Sign-up Options & Procedures

Option 1:



Chair Massages are scheduled by appointment in
10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, 30- or 35-minute increments.

Signing up by appointment:
For group events in which participants sign up for specific appointment times, a customized sign-up sheet is provided for you (and emailed to you as an attachment to be printed out OR posted as a Google.doc with a private link sent to you to share with the participants).  On-line Scheduling is also an option.  There may be more than one sign-up sheet, depending on the number of therapists working your event. We highly recommend that all participants be notified about the chair massage event at least one day before the event and that everyone who is to receive a massage already be scheduled on the sign-up sheet(s) before the massage therapist(s) arrive. This way there are no delays in deciding who is going to go 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on.  EACH SIGN-UP SHEET WILL INCLUDE EACH PARTICIPANT’S NAME, MASSAGE APPOINTMENT TIME, AND TELEPHONE EXTENSION NUMBER.  Please give the printed sign-up sheet(s) to the therapist(s) when they arrive.  The Therapist(s) will take the sign-up sheet(s) with them when they leave.  If you want copies, make sure you get them copied before they leave.

Late Policy:  Participants arriving late to their scheduled chair massage appointments will only receive the time remaining for their massage. As part of our service, the massage therapist(s) make courtesy calls to remind participants who are not on time for their appointments.  But you may want to designate someone in your office to call and remind each participant a few minutes before each appointment (Optional).

Therapists Breaks: Hard break-times are written into the sign-up sheets so there is no confusion as to when the massage therapists are to receive their breaks. You, the customer, are never charged for therapists’ break times.

Not wanting to mess with paper sign-up sheets?
Check out our
On-line scheduling feature.

Option 2:



5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25- or 30-minute chair massages offered in not-by-appointment settings (i.e. health fairs, conventions, parties & promotions or unpredictable office climates in which participants cannot commit to specific appointment times).

Signing up NOT by appointment (First-come, First-served):  For group events in which participants do not sign up for any specific appointment times, we have them sign up on our Non-Scheduled Event Sign-up Sheet (which the massage therapists will bring with them to the event). The massage therapist(s) work on participants in the order in which they sign up. Or they will just massage each participant, one at a time, one after the other, as they show up.

Some participants sign up, walk off and forget to come back. The therapist simply calls out the name of whoever is next on the list. If a participant is not present when their name is called, the massage therapist calls the next name on the list. If a participant shows up later still expecting to receive their massage, they receive preferential treatment over anyone who signed after them. We have found this policy maintains order and prevents a lot of bad feelings among participants waiting to receive their chair massage.

Important Note: 
Expect up to 5 minutes of turnaround-time between each massage in order to dis-infect the chair, wait for the next participant to get in the chair, and acclimate each participant to the chair massage experience (i.e. ensure informed consent).

Therapists’ Breaks:  Massage therapists working for Seize the Day, will not work more than 2 hours (give or take a little) without receiving a minimum 15-minute break. You, the customer, are never charged for therapists’ break times. Therapists (if more than one) will not take their breaks at the same time to ensure that there is always someone providing chair massage throughout the event.


Considering having on-site chair massage at your group event? Get a Quick Quote faster than we can answer the phone!


Ready to order on-site chair massage for your group? We’ve made it easy for you to order by phone and even easier for you to order online!


Schedule a chair massage appointment at your workplace or other group event. Get info on scheduling appointments at any of our locations.

PLEASE NOTE:  Orders are confirmed within 24 hours from the moment they are initiated.  However, ability to fill orders is dependent upon therapists’ availability.  Therefore, the farther in advance you place your order, the more guarantee you have that we will be able to fill it.