Work with Us!

What We Have To Offer
  • Total freedom; You choose which events you will work.
  • Opportunities to make money working on-site chair massage events: $40.00 or more per hour, PLUS Tips, or 67% commission (PLUS Tips) at our car wash location.
  • Occasions to promote and build your private table massage practice
  • Professional Training*; 14 hours of CE Credit (whether you work for us or not)
    (Exceed Customers’ Expectations!  Learn to give the most benefit with minimal effort on your part.)
  • Supplies.  We supply almost everything you need to do the events; paper towels, disinfectant wipes, tape, etc.

*“Massaging clients on a chair is not the same as massaging clients on a table. Practitioners who try to adapt table techniques to a chair massage end up with tired backs, sore hands, and emotional exhaustion. Massage professionals need specialized training to do chair massage safely and effectively. ” – David Palmer of the Touch Pro Institute AND father of contemporary chair massage.

What You Must Have
  • A massage chair* and a supply bag (with a digital clock)
    (Seize the Day provides all other supplies)
  • A positive attitude and a friendly disposition
  • Well-groomed, healthy, professional appearance. We have a Dress Code.
  • Dependable transportation
  • Proof of your Texas Massage License
  • Proof of Professional Liability Insurance
  • Proof that you are eligible work in the good ol’ U.S.A.
  • A mobile phone with voice mail and the ability to text
  • Ability to access & print your email or retrieve it on your mobile device
  • Ability to scan and email documents with Phone App or Desktop Computer

*Not all massage chairs are created equal. We absolutely do not allow chairs with swiveling or “floating” knee pads.  Any chair with a single metal rod at the customer’s mid-line is not recommended.  If you are committed to your customer’s comfort, we recommend the Oak Works Portal Pro Massage Chair with Terra Touch vinyl or the StrongLite Ergo Pro II Portable Massage Chair.  If you are 5′ 4″ or shorter, the only chair for you is the StrongLite Ergo Pro II .


What You Must Do
  1. Take our training and receive an official certificate declaring that you have successfully completed 14 hours of continuing education*!  (Check out our training schedule.)  If, after the training**, you want to join our team and the feeling is mutual that we would be a good fit, then,
  2. Practice, practice, practice until you feel comfortable doing the Seize the Day Method of Chair Massage.  (Free Private Teaching Sessions with Tom Darilek are available upon request (optional).  Certain hours at the car wash may also be available for you to practice (optional).
  3. Sign our Contractors Agreement to work according to the policies and procedures of Seize the Day (including our dress code) and to respect the business relationships between Seize the Day and our Customers.
  4. Receive a Seize the Day polo shirt and a name badge.
  5. Start doing Seize the Day chair massage gigs for pay and promote your private table massage practice everywhere you go!
  6. After you earn your first $350.00 working for Seize the Day, receive a $175.00 REFUND of your Initial Chair Massage Training Tuition!

*The only other chair massage course honored by Seize the Day Massage is workshop offered by Touch Pro International.
**About the Instructor: Founder of Seize the Day Massage, Tom Darilek, LMT, MTI, CEP, has over 30 years experience in Chair Massage. As the owner of a chair massage company dedicated to quality service, Tom has a vested interest in ensuring that he teaches you to do chair massage quite well.

Not Sure Yet?
Are you interested in working with us but not quite sure you want to commit to 2 days of training?
Perhaps you would like to experience what we do.
Come get a free 20-minute Chair Massage from Tom Darilek, Seize the Day owner,
at the Barton Springs Car Wash

any Saturday 1 pm – 5 pm.
Walk-ins welcome. Come on in!
Call or text Tom Darilek at 512-426-9569 to confirm he’s there on any given day.
If the above opportunities don’t work for you, email and we’ll set up an appointment.

Questions? Email Us!

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